Frontier Island 5-6 Player Expansion

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Early Access
Early Access means we think Frontier Island 5-6 Player Expansion is in a stable state and you can buy it to expierience it now, before we officially release! That said, there may be some bugs and the game may change as we move toward an official launch. As an early access participant, you get to play the game before anyone else, and when the game does launch, your copy will be automatically upgraded without any additional payment.

Game Details

Playtime60-90 minutes
Expansion ToFrontier Island

Are you looking for an even bigger challenge in your next game of Frontier Island? Then you'll want to check out our 5-6 player expansion, which allows you to add even more players to the game. With this expansion, you can have up to six players working to build their colonies on a deserted island, collecting resources, building structures, and trading with each other. The expansion adds even more strategic depth to the game, as players must compete with additional opponents to come out on top. Whether you're looking to host a larger game night or just want an extra challenge, the 5-6 player expansion for Frontier Island is a must-have. So gather your friends, claim the expansion from our store, and get ready to build your colony and dominate the island!

This product requires Frontier Island to play.

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Expansion for Frontier Island
Dice Rolling
Hexagon Grid
Modular Board
Network and Route Building
Random Production
Variable Set-up